Thursday 28 July 2011

Hi everyone!

Hellloooooooo! Konbanwa! ((o(´∀`)o))
Daisuke Wong here XD you can just call me daisuke or dai or shechee but NOT die =="
And also not 'Wong' lah as there is so many people with "Wong" as surname around least remember my name although I know it's hard Orz

So as Chrono Fong wrote in the last post,
I am the one who gonna in charge of this blog! 
WOOHOOO! Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノ
I used to blogging a lot during my time in Japan... and now I got myself a better reason to stay online haha
I will try my best to update the blog and make it better ( `・∀・´)ノ

Last Thursday we had our very precious experience in out life(it's only once in our life time!), that is -----
WATCHING THE LANDING OF STS 135 LIVE with our own eyes online (laugh)

so this is it =D
(grabbed photos from Facebook hehe)

yup it was in MCKL Room 1.9... We stayed until about 6pm...? Not sure how many of us were there but we really had a great time! (I think so lah...(;・∀・) )

At the same time we also had our elections for new committee members!
That's why now I'm writing this (´ε`;)ウーン…

Sorry that I'm so late for my first post here....
went to Tapah mah~then go get some 'phoenix down' to revive myself LOL
plus tests 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。 By the way tomorrow(today? XD) I also will have my Chemistry test but never mind I enjoy blogging than studying XP

I really like our Stargazer Society! ≧v≦
Everyone is so nice!
It's so nice to meet you guys! よろしくお願いいたします!

Actually I planned to put some Japanese vocabulary at the end of my every post =P
(Let's learn some simple Japanese!)
so here is it:

星(ほし): ho shi
Meaning: Star(s)
Example: 星が好きです♥(hoshi ga suki desu)  I like stars ♥

Hope u guys enjoyed my blog post XD
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