Thursday 28 July 2011

Mid Summer Story Telling =P

So today's main event is story telling!( ^ω^)ワクワク
The stories behind the constellation and stars~~~

Firstly we need to create a nice environment... so...


Imagine we were sitting on the grass(tables)... (゜.゜)

gathered around and we had a camp fire in the center... Σ(´∀`;)

(Yup! we were burning the so-called homework in the center! XD)

Finally the story telling event started! (Chrono is running for? =P)

And here is our first story teller....

Hui Jia! XD
She told us about the Draco~ *claps* ( ゚Д゚ノノ"☆パチパチパチパチ

Everyone was listening... maybe?
Hyun Woo writing his attendance i think? *roll eyes*

At the same time what our president doing?
Here he is....

キタ━━━ヽ(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)ノ━━━!!

LOL he was covering his face! too shy maybe? (●^o^●)

We also talked about the Great Bear the Lesser Bear~
北斗七星 ほくとしちせい(ho ku to shi chi sei)(@_@)

And the also the Pleiades!
昴(すばる, reading is su ba ru)!
Chrono even showed us the logo of Subaru LOL
Surprisingly the logo has only 6 stars on it, but not 7 haha~
Obviously the topic has been carried away....XP ドン( ゚д゚)マイ

Then we had story about the Taurus...
the poor bull....
Story about Scorpius(actually is related to Orion also)← It was the shortest among all of it sorry Orz (._.)
And Bootes by Ferdous too!

Of course in most of the time our president explained more about the story... =D

Lastly was the Vega and Deneb and Altair!
Our story telling ended with romantic love story~♥
Homework given by president is... search about Hercules! ( ゚д゚ )

Anyways, it was just awesome!
See you guys in the next meeting! あ(・∀・)り(・∀・)が(・∀・)と(・∀・)う!

Japanese lesson again :D
空(そら):so ra
Meaning: Sky
Example: 青い空(aoi sora) The blue sky
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