Thursday 11 August 2011

FELL into black hole...

We held our society meeting today even though we are having inter-cohort games now =D
for someone like me who are so "GOOD" in sports... aiyo inter-cohort we can only act as support Orz 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。

Since our president is absent today, our meeting is held by Andrian and Victor XD
At first because there is something wrong with the computer and the sound system, so we discussed a bit about tomorrow's meteor shower... 
Arvin had suggested that we can meet at college first then move to KL Sentral together... hmmnn, let president to decide lah~(*^。^*)
although i think it's better since at night time moving together should be safer especially for girls. =)

After that we started our main event today --- watching an 40mins long video! o.O
the Title of the video is..... 「The Riddle of Black Holes」.
The movie started with a man holding a marble.... saying something like if we turn the Earth into the size of marble, a black hole will form!
then ......*blah blah blah*

(actually the moment he start talking i was like "OMG seriously i need subtitles! 555")
the video kept go on and on until the PC suddenly locked LOL
and Andrian start to explain what is the video trying to tell us...( ´∀`)

Sun-sized Star XDDDD

Explaining gravity and black holes...ワッショイヽ(゚∀゚)メ(゚∀゚)メ(゚∀゚)ノワッショイ

Here comes a sketched version lol ヽ(^o^)丿

So basically,

What are black holes?
Have you ever had to vacuum your bedroom? When you do, watch closely because you will see the dirt and crumbs start to move towards the vacuum cleaner. A black hole is similar to a vacuum cleaner, cleaning up debris left behind in outer space.
A black hole is a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. However, it is not suction power that makes things fall into a black hole. Suction would not be strong enough. Instead, a black hole uses the power of gravity to pull things towards it.
How do black holes form?
When a large star runs out of fuel it can no longer support its heavy weight. The pressure from the star's massive layers of hydrogen press down forcing the star to get smaller and smaller and smaller. Eventually the star will get even smaller than an atom. Imagine that for a moment, an entire star
squashed up into less space than a tiny atom. (つд⊂)エーン
How can something get smaller but retain the same amount of mass, or stuff?
It is really quite simple. If you take a sponge the size of a soda can, you can easily squish it in your hands until it is completely covered. But here is the interesting part. If you make something smaller by squishing it, its
gravity becomes much stronger. Imagine then, if you squish a star into the size of an atom how powerful its gravity would become.

A black hole's gravity becomes so powerful that anything, including light that gets too close, gets pulled in. That's right, not even light can escape the grasp of a black hole.
Anatomy of a Black Hole
The defining feature of a black hole is the appearance of an event horizon—a boundary in spacetime through which matter and light can only pass inward towards the mass of the black hole.

Black holes are made up of 3 main parts. The very outer layer of a black hole is called the Outer Event Horizon. Within the Outer Event Horizon you would still be able to escape from a black hole's gravity because the gravity is not as strong here. The middle layer of a black hole is called the Inner Event Horizon. If you didn't escape the black hole's gravity before you entered the Inner Event Horizon, then you have missed your chance to escape. The gravity in this layer is much stronger and does not let go of objects it captures. At this point you would begin to fall towards the center of the black hole.  (ゝ○_○)
The center of a black hole is called the Singularity, a region where the spacetime curvature becomes infinite. This is simply a big word that means squashed up star. The Singularity is where the black hole's gravity is the strongest, can thus be thought of as having infinite density.
How can you fall into a black hole?
Think of the Earth. When you are in outer space you can float around. If you get too close to the Earth you will be pulled in by its gravity. On the Earth, you could leave again in a rocket ship. However, if you fall into a black hole, there would be no way to get out because the gravity is so powerful. (゜_゜>)
Growth of Black Holes
Once a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter. Any black hole will continually absorb gas and intestellar dust from its direct surroundings and omnipresent cosmic background radiation. This is the primary process through which supermassive black holes seem to have grown. (*_*)
How can we detect black holes?

Black holes don't give off light, so we can't just look for them. However, astronomers can find black holes by observing the gravitational effects on other objects nearby.
They are sources of x-rays. The intense gravity from a black hole will pull in dust particles from a surrounding cloud of dust or a nearby star. As the particles speed up and heat up, they emit x-rays. So the x-rays don't come directly from the black hole , but from its effect on the dust around it. Besides, many stars rotate around each other, much as the planets orbit our Sun. When astronomers see a star circling around something, but they cannot see what that something is, they suspect a black hole.
Astronomers use a technique called gravity lensing to search for black holes. When a very massive object passes between a star and the earth, the object acts like a lens and focuses light rays from the star on the Earth. This causes the star to brighten. Albert Einstein has proved that light follows in the path of the bent time and space which is warped due to the gravitational force of a massive object. Σ(´∀`;)
so these are the basic knowledge about black holes... =D
credits to
haha yup it's for KIDS. (/ω\)ハズカシーィ
and the wikipedia ( ・∀・)
Bonus Photos: our club member! ♪~(´ε` )
Black and white version again hahah ( someone got carried away by the new apps in her phone)

Okay Japanese time!
Since we are talking about black holes, so in Japanese it is written like this:
ブラックホール (burakku ho-ru)
based on the reading u will know it means black hole LOL
Example: ブラックホールについてはまだ謎ですね。(burakku ho-ru ni tsuite wa mada nazo desu ne) About black hole it is still a mystery.

and if u guys were wondering all those emoticons i used, it's a type of 颜文字(kao moji)
and there is a special one for meteor:
when u type 'nagareboshi' using Google Language for Japanese, ☄ or ☆彡 will appear!
So nice isn't it? キャ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

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