Monday 22 August 2011

Giant mushroom, Lil’ Planetarium

Our 10cm radius little planetarium is facing some sort of an identity crisis right now…
For some reason I think it sorta looked like a mushroom… a shabby one. Should I colour it? The colours look really messy there. And using cardboards for such a small model proved to be a costly mistake, it was very hard to match the triangles together and in the process of stapling the joints, I stapled my own fingers a few times.
Anyway, this is the whole process:
  1. Make the triangles. Triangle A is a equilateral of 6.2cm side length. Triangle B is a isosceles with two sides of 5.7 cm side length and one 6.2cm.
You will need 10 of the A triangles, and 30 of the B triangles.
2. Put the 30 B triangles into group of fives. Staple the 5.7cm sides together such that the 6.2cm sides all face outwards. When you connect the fifth triangle to the first one, it will form a curved pentagonal shape. The result will be something like this :
Make 5 more of these pentagons and you’re good to go for the next step.
3. Use the A triangles to join the pentagons in this order :

Examples of the process will be like this (A triangles labelled as ‘A’, obviously)
You can already see the dome taking shape Open-mouthed smile. Connect all the 5 pentagons together and you will have an open top dome (which will be covered by the 6th pentagon.
4. Fit in 5 more of the A triangle around the opening at the top.

You will get something like this :
5. And there you go! Fit in the last pentagon on top and you’re done!
6. Optional : Make a base for the dome. Cut out a flap of cardboard and fold it at 6.2cm intervals (you may want to make space as I don’t think it can be really uniformly 6.2cm) Make flaps on your base for joining to the flap of the triangles.
And that is how a mushroom skeleton looks like.
The interior.
To get best results, find a material that hardness is something in between manila cards and cardboards.
Now I need to think a title for the 5m dome… “Giant Planetarium, little….?”
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