Thursday 29 September 2011

It's all about 3D!

Now all of our Stargazers' Society member can go to watch 3D movie without buying a 3D glasses!

The answer is so obvious --- we've made one for ourselves today!

HAHA yeah our activity today was making a 3D glasses!

Before we really started with the making, Mr president gave a presentation about the Sun! (I guess so.. because the moment i enter the class there was a presentation...) but everyone was so busy with the glasses. キャッキャ(*´∀`) (´∀`*)ウフフ

two pretty girls checking how many layers they need for the transparent sheets after Mr president explained to them how it works.... as the sheet is a bit too thin for this. XP

we test our 3D glasses by looking at this graphic... Actually there is another one but i didnt manage to snap a picture of it X_X

Everyone tried their best in making the 3D glasses...

This person....


So a simple 3D glasses looks like this:

the left side is red coloured transparent sheets, the right is the blue coloured one.

But, how it actually functions? ワカンニャイ(´・д・`)ゞ?

When you view a proper source while wearing 3D glasses, each eye sees a slightly different image. These images are blended together by the brain, which produces the 3-dimensional effect.

Producers have to take photos of the same scene using two cameras, set slightly apart.
Each of the lenses has a a certain color, but one is always red, while the other can have any of cyan, blue or green. The light filters mean that images that have been shot by the first camera, using a red filter, will only enter the right eye, while footage from the second camera, which has been shot in green, only enters the left one. This color-coding is essential in helping the brain put the pictures back together.

If, when watching a 3D movie, you take your glasses off during intense scenes, you will see that what appears on the screen may not seem like a good film, in that the image is completely out-of-focus. Without the goggles to code and control each picture on it, your brain perceives the movie exactly how it appears – an undecipherable combination of images and colors that make no sense. ( ^ω^)おっ

So next time let's go to watch a 3D movie using the 3D glasses that we made ourselves!

Japanese time:
映画 (えいが)Eiga
Meaning: Movie
映画を見に行きませんか?(Eiga wo mi ni ikimasen ka?) Wanna go to watch a movie?
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