Wednesday 7 March 2012


Hi guys! Long time no see!!!!
Don't know why I'm still the one who is updating this blog... since I'm updating so you guys must be patient with my broken English yeah. And also all these emoticon → ヽ(°▽、°)ノエヘヘヘヘ
(Anyone who don't like please tell me and you can in charge of this blog from that time onwards with much more proper English. OR You guys want me to write it in Japanese?) (o-艸-o)

From 2nd week of February we had started our very first module:
The Big Beginning
Started with recruiting new members and introduce them about Stargazer Society and ended with an Awesome(in some other means) stargazing trip last Saturday.

Oh by the way if you don't know who am I... I am daisuke (She Chee, but i guess daisuke is easier for all of you. Remember, is da-i-su-KE, not da-i-su-KI) from S1107beta.... your ex-publicity and your present Vice President ORZ

Adrian is President Victor is R&D Department Apple is Secretary Yaw Jin is Treasurer Hui Jia is Vice Secretary Arvin is publicity director.
That's all. Our committee members. (;´∀`)

Back to the topic.
The very first meeting we had some awesome 1201 people joining us, making our club bigger and funnier and nosier! ← actually is the committees who are making all those noise, i know. ==

HHMMnnnn.... since it was a month ago i can't really remember what we did... let's see...

It was in room 404...? 403? ♪(*ノзノ*)
We did something about the night sky and constellations! but unfortunately the room was too bright and we dont have a sound system there =="
←Adrian and Yaw Jin

Victor and Adrian told us about it....with photos XD
That week I was late thanks to 4hours of Moral Studies. 囧
So i didnt really know all of you that time...。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
erm... yeah. And Joy, our ex-Secretary a.k.a Saviour of the club came. =D
←from left: hui jia, kee onn, Joy!

That was our very first meeting in 2012.

Then the second one is IMPRESSING.
Big Bang Theory. (´・∀・`)
Both Adrian and Victor impressed me with LOTS of big bang theories, sciences, equations.... ETC. o.O

Thanks Adrian for explaining all these!

lol. Bing bang theory~~~ theory~~~~ theory......

This week both Kee Onn(founder+ex-president) and Joy was there. (´>∀<`)ゝ
Frankly speaking I don't really understand....(・。・;
So i go google...(yeah everything google XD)

Basically Big Bang is the theory of explaining how universe is born and how it expands. 

Before the big bang, the universe existed as an incredibly small singularity.
After its initial expansion from a singularity, the Universe cooled sufficiently to allow energy to be converted into various subatomic particles like neutrons, protons and electrons...
Then elements like hydrogen was formed...eventually more and more elements was formed.

And based on various evidence our universe is expanding, becoming bigger and bigger!
For example, doppler shift. ←for those who are taking physics you all should know about it? or SOON? lol it's AS second last chapter ahaha. ≧(´▽`)≦

So it continues to expand and cool down....everything inside our universe , including us, all those wonderful beautiful fantastic stuffs are all formed from this big bang. (ノ∀\*)キャ

Then we proceeded to the third meeting: a "lighter" topic compared to big bang.
"How to use a star chart" (。・w・。)
Basically you just stare at the sky, then compare with your own star chart and try to recognize the stars. That's all LOL
Of course you will easily get lost if you just compare all of them...
2 star charts, one is for winter and another one is for summer.
In winter you can identify the orion (Really easy, just find the 3 dots in a line - that's the belt. i guess you can see it everyday haha)
you can start with identify bright stars such as Sirius... the brightest star in the sky.

Do the same for the summer sky. But of course no more Orion or Sirius. haha.
Try others. Like the summer triangle ←famous love story...=P
Maybe the very first thing you should do is to find your own horoscope!

Besides that we introduced about the Stellarium too! ィェ━━v(o´∀`o)v━━ィッ
AWESOME program. You can even trace back the past to see the sky! or future! XD'
download it for free here →
but for iphone apps i recommend you guys "Star chart". really nice apps.
so far this is the best(or should i say, the one i like the most?) that i found...ヽ(°▽、°)ノ

4th week. Briefing + Mars
since we gonna have our very first stargazing trip this year, we decided to do some introduction about Mars. (3rd of March this year is Mars opposition - best time to view Mars.)

Mars is 4th planet from Sun, our neighbour XD
It is named after the Roman God of Wars. (゚д゚)(。_。)(゚д゚)(。_。)
Arvin did presentation about the story behind Mars. Actually there are lots of them, if you're interested you can try to google. Yup google agai hehe.
Then Sharanya and Hyun Woo talked almost every thing about the Mars.
Sharanya... i can still remember how awesome it was when you show us the equation! www

Thank you so much for three of you!!!!

After that it was our briefing session... actually nothing much to brief. We just need to confirm who is coming and who is not. How you guys come etc...
and what to bring.

And finally....
Then here comes our very first stargazing trip......


*TO BE CONTINUED* エヘヘ(*´・∀・`*)
it's already 0303 now and I'm A BIT tired...(class is 5 hours later ORZ) plus i don't want to make this post anymore longer. LOL
so the trip will be separated from this post...although it's under same module.

Last but not least, dear all 1201 people, thanks for joining this club!!!
Number of members has increased so much!
Now i cant snap all of you inside a single photo anymore! (or actually is because you all spread up so wide...(´-∀-`;)
We're not those big big club but i think u can find some fun in our club that other clubs do not have it!
PLEASE FEEL FREE to talk with us yeah... we won't bite won't beat won't eat you one LOL
After these few times of meeting i guess you all know how crazy is your least some of them are insane. AHAHA.

As usual, Japanese time! (be careful your VP is going to turn your club into JXXXnology club lol)
Since this will be the very first time for 1201,
let's learn something different...unrelated to Stars. ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八
はじめまして (hajimemashite)
Meaning: Nice to meet you.
Example: はじめまして。私はダイスケです。(hajimemashite. Watashi wa daisuke desu.)
Nice to meet you. I am daisuke.

Hope you guys enjoy this post!
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