Saturday 10 March 2012

The Red Haze

Some of you might think of this!

Actually, it’s not far off from the real thing.

A light pollution example in the busy city of Hong Kong.
When the modern world started to embrace this,

It was in the expense of an amazing view -

When so much energy has gone to waste, we are effectively doing this -

And to our bodies, we are doing this -

while poisoning and killing off thousands of migratory birds, frogs and so on.

It’s a topic every stargazer cares about, and not just for our own clear skies – Scientists are only beginning to understand the real effects of light pollution on birds, animals and even humans. We have been, since the days after the light bulb was invented, closing ourselves up to the glorious night sky and hiding from a fundamental aspect of nature – starlight, darkness of the nights, and the rhythm the days and nights set onto our circadian and cultural rhythms.
Earth Hour is just around the corner – March 31st, and instead of just switching off the lights and appliances for an hour, take a step further and start to understand light pollution and take steps to reduce them!
Start to spread the message! XD

for those who are really interested :
International Dark Sky Association : brochures, bulletins and videos that can be used to promote the dark sky movement.
Great article in NatGeo 2009 :
Our vanishing night video :
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