Sunday 25 March 2012

Some Photographs


Venus – Jupiter – Moon conjunction with Pleiades Cluster in upper right corner.

This is the nearest we can get to a celestial ‘Smiley’. Some of you might remember seeing a smiley in the sky back around December 2008. The next time a smiley occurs will be around 2036.

Other than that, notice the round shape around the crescent Moon. It is called Earthshine, light reflected on the Moon from the Earth!


Winter Constellations : – Orion the Hunter, Gemini the Twins, Canis Major the Greater Dog, Canis Minor the Lesser Dog.


Another region of the Winter Sky –  This time with full Canis Major


Another region of the Winter Sky – feat. Taurus the bull and Pleiades Star Cluster


An afocal photograph of Saturn through 150x magnification. Saturn’s rings are appearing good this year – there are times where the rings are exactly perpendicular to our view and we can’t see a thing!


Near the Moon’s terminator, the boundary between sunrise and sunset on the moon, more craters could be seen due to the interaction of the light and shadows.


And finally, Scorpio and his summer friends are nudging up higher and higher each day as the summer season approaches! Summer is neat for its showcases of star clusters and other deep sky objects!

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